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Offtopic, but please consider writing some blog posts or articles about your experiences working on nuclear submarines. That just sounds so cool, and while the work is probably dull, I'd nonetheless be fascinated to read some detailed stories.

Unfortunately I walk a very fine line about what is sensitive and what is not. I really couldn't go any deeper than what I posted here.

I will say as a former nuclear submariner myself, how appreciative we all were of the work the designers put into the boats. I was on an Ohio-class myself and got to appreciate the design first-hand. I've also heard simply marvelous tales about the Seawolf-class (pity she was so expensive).

So thanks for whatever you did in keeping the boats safe (both in design and construction), it was certainly much-appreciated in the Fleet.

Well, is it cool?

It's definitely cool. I left about a year ago to join a startup, but that had more to do with wanting to live in NYC again than the submarine company. Two interesting books: http://www.amazon.com/Dark-Waters-Insiders-Account-Undercove... and http://www.amazon.com/Blind-Mans-Bluff-Submarine-Espionage/d...

As a fellow mech eng, what startup environment are you involved in and is it utilising your mech skillset or something else, eg: programming abilities?

My background is BS Mechanical Engineering, minor CS, primarily focused on robotics. Grew up programming and building robots. Worked at Bug Labs which bridged the gap pretty well, then went to General Dynamics for 100% mechanical engineering, now at getlua.com for 100% software. There are some mechanical startups around NYC (MakerBot is the obvious one) but I really liked the team and the product at Lua and I'm quite happy here.

OK, then more like this please! ;)

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