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>Ego is what enables empathy.

Emm, actually the inverse. It's be overcoming ego that you have empathy.

>What good it is when it's in size of universe? Everything just looks alike.

Why would it be "the size of the universe"? The idea is to eliminate ego (as in egotism and seperation), not expand it.

You still have a self, obviously (else you would be in a vegetative state). You just don't give it outmost precedence over everybody else.

> Why would it be "the size of the universe"? The idea is to eliminate ego (as in egotism and seperation), not expand it.

I think that that's what elimination of ego is - expanding it in explosion like fashion till you can't figure where the boundaries are at.

And egotism is a complex thing. Your kitty cat doesn't care what you think, you are the one that gets polarised.

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