I keep hearing this on HN and reddit, but I think this is a mainly an echo-chamber effect. I'd say its far more likely that the vast majority of people don't actually care or realise what was happening, or they do realise and still don't care. I'd be surprised if the NSA leaks have any noticable impact on Microsoft's revenue.
Pretty much. The truth is, unless your company serves Internet security careerists or people impassioned about Internet privacy, your customers do not care.
The company I work for has absolutely no intent of dropping Microsoft products in lieu of the NSA leaks, even with large amounts of sensitive customer data. I can't imagine many large companies would. It would require such a vast amount of work it's unfathomable to even imagine most companies considering it unless they were about to lose nearly all of their customers.
Caveat: customers do not care, at this stage in the game.
And serves them only.
The other part is most corporations already have the feeling that the government is spying on them, and a public acknowledgement of the fact wont change their implementation details.
Now, if you said "Microsoft is spying on you with your direct competition." that would make them sit up and take notice.
Actually people in Europe do care and I would expect something to happen as a result. I don't expect MS to go out of business, but it wouldn't surprise me if they lost certain key projects over the next decade.