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Ask HN: How can I see top HN posts Not about NSA/PRISM?
45 points by porker on June 8, 2013 | hide | past | favorite | 9 comments
I come here for tech content and interesting discussions, not US political discussions and speculation. Are there any tools which classify/filter HN threads? I've found http://hckrnews.com/ but there's still too many NSA stories hogging the top.

Pardon the UI, it's one of my old projects, but it's useful in this case http://hnapp.com/filter/bb4abe7a00d09a35b95c6763f09c0cfb

If you want to edit the filter 1) change parameters, 2) click preview to see new filtered results, 3) click save to get a link to the new filter.

I like it, but it's vey difficult to get the link to the HN comments (hint: it's in the points /comment number). The comments are usually very helpful to understand the details I always want to see them.

That's excellent, thank you!

I see nothing wrong with the UI: better a tool that works than none at all :)

Here's a Safari extension for blocking Bitcoin articles. You can easily modify it to block your keywords of choice. There's also a link in there to a similar Chrome extension.


Here's a bookmarklet I wrote real quick to filter/highlight keyword-based articles: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=5846934

I've got a handy HN filter site: http://diff.biz/?remove=(nsa|prism|privacy|crunch)&only-show...

Update the removal list in the URL as necessary (or go to http://diff.biz for an old default removal list).

My site has been dead for a while (I think crawlers are crawling my site causing it to hit HN, but then HN blocks me due to over requesting), but I unblocked it today. We'll see how long it lasts.

Question for those who would know: if I were to try to do this with javascript, how many requests could I make to the site at a time without being auto-banned?

couldn't agree more...

Good idea. This place is turning into Slashdot in the Jon Katz era.

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