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LMDB is only meant to be an embedded engine. Distribution/replication are features to add in higher level layers. E.g., memcacheDB built on LMDB exists, you can add repcached or something else to do replication over that. We're also adding LMDB to HyperDex and Riak. We may end up writing our own cluster manager at some point, if we don't like the ones we can work with today. But the key is to stick to Unix philosophy - write small modules that focus on one particular task. LMDB addresses storage in a single node. Some other component above it can do distribution/sharding/whatever.

That's exactly what I was accomplishing by having redis do key eviction to LMDB ;P. To be clear: it wasn't that LMDB wasn't awesome for the purpose of adding disk persistence and key eviction to redis, it was that having unclustered copies of redis with disk persistence turned out to not nail what I wanted to accomplish. I figured I'd reevaluate redis's cluster support at some later time, or build something more custom now that I've figured out what primitives I needed with more certainty.

(The other comment I made about "plain LMDB" was to address a question posed by snaky, where I was assuming either embedding it into my app server or having a thin wrapper; I was assuming the suggestion was that LMDB could handle "append to key" in a durable and fast manner without relying on redis to first buffer the data to be written en masse as larger chunks, which is pretty much what it is doing in this architecture I was designing.)

(BTW, I've never talked to you, but I knew one of your former students. Hello! ;P)

Hello! ;)

OK, that makes sense. Yah, it sounded like that to me too, but LMDB's Append mode is only usable when all the input is already in sorted order. Great for bulk loads of prepared data, not much help with randomly arriving input.

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