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Honestly, Redis is useful for basically 2 reasons: it's a stonkingly fast quasi-persistent store for simple data, and if you're already using it, it's a tolerable message queue and pub/sub.

It's not a convenient document store. It's not relational and it's only ACID in that the single thread serializes all access. It doesn't scale worth a damn. But it's fast enough that mostly doesn't matter.

So the question arises: why create something with none of Redis's advantages, and all of its flaws?

I'm going to assume you're not just trolling here.

There are whole companies who make elaborate servers that speak simple protocols. Membase is essentially a much more elaborate, multi-server replicated database that speaks the Memcache protocol.

We started edis as an experiment to teach some developers Erlang. We had a use case that was quite interesting at the time, so it was a great way to teach Erlang while working through some interesting database scenarios.

Imagine you have a bunch of users come into a site and they'll hit the server for an hour and then go away for at least a week, maybe more, like the demographics around a popular TV show. Imagine you need to handle a HUGE number of users for that hour, but after that hour, you have less than 1/10th of 1% of those users during the week. Also, imagine that you are pretty happy with Redis's speed, but that you've outgrown what you can comfortably handle on one server and so you are happy to tolerate less speed for more space.

This is a really nice use case for a disk-backed Redis server.

It's not the only option, of course, but we didn't need to store documents and we didn't need ACIDity.

Yeah, not trolling.

I haven't tried to design for exactly that, but my first shot at it would be independent pairs of app servers and redis instances, with redis used as an expiring cache, fronted by a load balancer with affinity, backed by centralized regular SQL. Something like MySQL has no trouble hanging onto a scadload of records it mostly doesn't touch, and you can scale the expiry time on redis down as it gets more heavily loaded, so only the hottest tip of the hot set is kept in RAM.

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