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What really blows me away is how comparatively little the interface has changed over the years...not to sound dense, but it looks exactly like you'd expect Photoshop to look.

Much of Photoshop's interface came from Apple's own MacPaint which shipped at the launch of Macintosh:



Coincidentally, the CHM has MacPaint's source[0] as well.

(I've honestly not heard much about CHM before. Making sure to find my way there next time I manage to end up in the Bay Area)

[0] http://www.computerhistory.org/atchm/macpaint-and-quickdraw-...

This is a pretty good look at how litte the Photoshop interface has changed over the years. http://ipod-touch-max.ru/wp-content/uploads/2010/02/27721.jp...

Some might say this is precisely why Photoshop is better than The Gimp.

Why would they say that? GIMP hasn't changed much, aside from adding a single window as an option recently.

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