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Triple rainbow near Seatle: How was it formed? (blogspot.com.ar)
84 points by gus_massa on Dec 2, 2012 | hide | past | favorite | 12 comments

There is a great lecture on the physics of rainbows on MIT's Open Courseware: http://ocw.mit.edu/courses/physics/8-03-physics-iii-vibratio...

Cliff Mass is awesome. I've become a total weather-nerd because of his writing.

For the first time I understood the physics of rainbows!

On the other side now it looks a little less magic...

I wish there would be more PR effort spent on making science more exciting to the average person than magic. E.g. submarine mentions in various companies' advertising and various TV shows of the form: "It's better than magic -- it's science," with excited, attractive faces on screen eating it up.

I'm not sure that would help. You're just substituting one thinking-stopper (magic) for another (science). "How does electricity work?" "It's science!" "Oh, okay."

I'd still prefer that, because "It's science!" means that someone, somewhere understands it, and that they could too if they wanted to. "It's magic!" means there's no hope of understanding.

Not sure why you didn't link to the original post? http://cliffmass.blogspot.com/2012/11/triple-rainbow.html

Sorry. I live in Argentina and blogspot adds the ".ar" automatically to the UREL, but I didn't see it before submitting.

Triple rainbow all the way! sob

and, what does it mean?

That there are only 19 days left till the end of the world!

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