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Minor nitpick... the color scheme hurts my eyes.

I like the color scheme actually. It makes all those small backquotes and weird characters stand out.

Right. Although. I find the central terminal box soothing, because I tend to use green on black myself - but the white on green isn't so good and the default white of the page blares out at me when I'm trying to read the snippets.

I think possibly the answer is you've got two colour schemes there and want to split them - provide a "normal" black on white or grey on white or whatever for the people that prefer that, and one that's pure green on black (or purple/amber on black, probably pretty easy to supply all three once you've done one :) and a cookie to switch between 'em.

Of course, I'm not a designer at all but I'd happily accept a cookie to have everything in soothing black with green text - and it sounds like others probably would to make things more "normal" looking. I'm expressing no opinion whatsoever about which should be the default though ...

Yeah, the first thing I noticed when I opened the page was the harsh colors.

Colors work for me. Don't change.

Zee goggles, Zey do noting.

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