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Related idea time!

So this is really great, and for a while I've been thinking about what a stock market game for pop culture would be like. It'd serve as a great discovery tool, like searching for that penny-stock that's going to blow up, and it'd be a great way for fans and haters of particular celebrities to duke it out in the market place (think of the 50 Cent / Kanye competition, or the rabid fans of Chris Brown and those who detest him). You could gather information from across a whole host of resources (imdb, movie ticket / record sales, tabloid sites, twitter, spotify plays) to come up with predicted performance forecasts for each celebrity. Something like that would make people feel they played a direct part in a particular success story. Early "investors" would be considered more loyal fans, you could incentivize using concert tickets and schwag, etc, etc - there are lots of ways to 'gamify' it.

I made this idea for viral videos, its here: http://vvx.io - The Viral Video eXchange

Sounds a bit like Fat Dog Exchange. Does anyone know what happened to that site?

Also similar to Hollywood Stock Exchange: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hollywood_Stock_Exchange

Hollywood Stock Exchange also holds a patent for the core principles behind prediction market games like these (http://www.google.ca/patents?id=n2sXAAAAEBAJ).

And the BBC's now defunct CelebDAQ

I tried to find out what happened to that site. Doesn't seem to be much info out there.

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