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At the bottom of this article, there are "Sign in With FB/Twitter" buttons.

To their defense (in the comments): "Yeah, it’s a valid point. We’re using a plugin on our blog called Social that we built with the folks at Crowd Favorite because we saw our blog comments heading to Facebook and Twitter. For blog comments, we’re willing to suffer the social logins so people can talk to us in the channels they’re accustomed. The blog is at the heart of our community, and communities gather in social spaces. But logging into or signing up for the app is another use case all together. That’s where we feel like we’re giving up too much control. That’s what we’re trying to spark a conversation around with this post."

This. I cracked up when I saw that and wondered about the irony of it all! Haha

Screenshot: http://bluetide.pro/EXq4

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