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Congratulations, Microsoft: your site looks like every other site from 2004.

Simplicity isn't a theme you can apply, it's a philosophy. Simplicity, like "minimalism", is thrown around a lot, but it starts at the core and extends outwords. It is not a re skinning.

Apple.com is simple. Google.com is simple. Microsoft.com pretends to be simple. Clearly, most of you are fooled way too easily.

Apple.com is simple

To its own detriment, I find. I can never quite locate the information I'm looking for without a lot of searching, and sometimes even Google's help.

Empty cliches from a vacuous internet windbag, it's easy to spout lots of superficial statements without providing any supporting evidence that you have any clue what you are talking about (which you don't seem to).

Clearly you are fooled into thinking you have anything interesting or insightful to say about web design.

I hardly think a few sentences mean that I'm a windbag, but if you want proof that Microsoft is fake, just look at their images. Their using stock images. If you want to be taken seriously, you shouldn't use stock images. it's that simple.

Well those few sentences does bring out the troll in you.

>If you want proof that Microsoft is fake, just look at their images. Their using stock images.

So you want them to spend thousands of $$$$$ for a header images than use a stock which conveys the same meaning? And if you are thinking stock images are cheap, pay Gettyimages.com a visit sometime.

Btw do you have any proof it is even stock? I did a Tineye search on both the header images and the results din't return anything.



Stop trolling and make your time online useful.

I know I'm feeding the troll here, but this is the most inane response I've heard. If you want to be taken seriously, please learn the proper use of there, their, and they're. It's that simple.

MS market share is so large that stock photo models (people and hardware) likely are using Microsoft products :-)

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