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As a beginner, you are too weak to move weights that can really hurt you. 41 also isn't really old for lifting. People still set world records at that age.

Strength sports are statistically among the safest. They are significantly safer than team sports or even cycling.

If you ease into it, progress slowly, make sure pain does not go above 5/10, you are unlikely to injure yourself. In fact, you will likely prevent future injury. You're not going to injure your back lifting your nephew when you are deadlifting over 100 kg.

If you check out barbell medicine, Alan Thrall, or Dr. Mike Israetel on YouTube, you will find simple form tutorials.

Finally, of course you can get stronger using machines. Compound movements may be the most efficient ones but as long as your muscles are generating force close to their maximum capability, they will get a training impulse.

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