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What of my reply do you consider propaganda, Mr 1equalsequals1, if that is your real name?

First off, what makes Israel's efforts/existence legitimate but Hezbollah's/Hamas's/Houthi's illegitimate? To start with Israel is an occupying power (illegally by definition), a bully and a terrorist state (by the historical record), so any counteraction to such depravity certainly has more legitimacy.

Second, you mention the children casualties, after the Majdal Shams attack, in the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights. You should know that the Druze community despise the Israeli government and asked that no government ministers attend the funeral. But you try to use their deaths as a pretext for more deaths. As if the more than 40,000 direct deaths (the number of indirect deaths is possibly in the hundreds of thousands) of civilians and children in Gaza weren't enough. That's just for starters.

I'll add a third point and stop here. If similar measures were to be taken to make sure that the state you support will never again kill or terrorise, Israel would be no more

I believe Hezbollahs stated goals is the expulsion of Jews while Israel is interested in defending itself. Especially for Hezbollah it is their raison d'être. These positions are not equal.

That they want Jews expulsed is what they state themselves and I am inclined to believe them on that point at least.

Jeez :/

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