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>>> need to be better than Spotify

I think you meant to say not WORSE than Spotify.

The product has gone to hell, they need to fire all the product managers. I don't know how you fuck up a music UI this badly but...

Hi. I use Spotify in a web browser (at the office), on Linux (at home), and Android (mobile). To me, the Spotify UI has barely changed in 3 years.

You wrote:

    > The product has gone to hell
Can you provide some specifics? To be clear, I am not defending Spotify. One big thing that is lacking: They need a plug-in system like modern web browsers. This will allow them to offload a lot of the UI innovation to tech savvy users. At the moment, only Spotify can make changes to the UI.


Open a random play list, start playing a track.

Close the client, try to get back to the track you paying right now... Pick a big list will it get you back to the track. There used to be a few ways to do this, now there is one (and it's ugly).

Is there a rhyme or reason to show or not show the tracks of an artist that I have liked/followed? Is that display consistent?

Why are we mixing liked artists and liked playlists now. Why is "like" some global list. Albums, songs, Artists are not the same thing. Globing these preferences together is like telling the waiter you like ice cream when he asks for your drink order, at breakfast on a Tuesday.

Why do I have to click into an album to find the publish date of a track? They have this whole right panel now with half assed track info and nothing useful.

The UI needs burned to the ground and an adult, who likes music needs to tell them what they need to show...

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