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I do. No Problem closing the lid on my MacBook M1. I can open the lid and keep on working where I left.

I use kitty and the kitten ssh [1] to login easily to remote hosts, and automatically setup the environment.

I can use a simple bash like

  kitty @ launch --type=tab --title='Server 1' bash -c "command1; exec bash"
  kitty @ launch --type=tab --title='Server 2' bash -c "command2; exec bash"
  kitty @ launch --type=tab --title='Server 3' bash -c "command3; exec bash"
If I need several servers at once. Could be done with other shells too.

I can run loooong processes on the host with a simple bash script and the marvelous `àt` [2] command that nobody seems to know any more like:

  echo "/path/to/long_process.sh" | at now + 1 minute

And the team can reuse those simple bash scripts!

If `at` is not installed, and you need to run multiple looong tasks, try `nohup` [3]. Another lost command full of great functions like:

  nohup command1 &
  nohup command2 &
  nohup command3 &

If you and your team is happy with tmux, that's fine! But doing more or less the same things with easy linux commands is – in my opinion – the better way.

[1]: https://sw.kovidgoyal.net/kitty/kittens/ssh/

[2]: https://linuxhandbook.com/at-command/

[3]: https://www.howtogeek.com/804823/nohup-command-linux/ and https://stackoverflow.com/questions/5164985/how-can-i-use-no...

Edit: Formatting

OP here, today I learned about the `at` command. Thanks!

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