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I appreciate your more substantive contributions to the thread, but you've also broken the site guidelines a lot, such as by accusing others of not commenting in good faith. Can you please edit that sort of thing out of your HN posts in the future? I know it's not easy in the heat of the moment, but it's critical to the survival of this site, and it will also make your own posts a lot more persuasive.


So confused. From whom did Israel seize control of Gaza in 1967? From the Palestinian Authority or what?

Edit: So, for those of you inclined to believe that "both sides probably have a point" but are otherwise not clear. No. This is the best you will ever get from the "pro Palestinian" side. It is not a side that is pro Palestinian people. Pro Palestinian people would like the war to end and Palestinians to live peacefully in their own state. A 2-state solution. No, "pro Palestinians" don't care about history or the truth. They are only anti Jew. When you try to bring up evidence or facts, they will reject anything that comes from Israel and accept anything from anti-Israel sources.

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