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Wow clutching hard at straws to justify hamas and deny their usage of hospitals as military bases.

There is no proof Hamas ever did that so. No investigation foind any, and there have been multiple.

Not sure what to think of people that are ok with bombing hospitals for any reason at all, even the made up ones the parrot around.

And no, I do not justify Hamas. I do fully understand why they are so radical so, but this is quite different from justifying them.

You on the other hand are trying to justify the targeting of civilians and non-combatants in war. And that targeting, that is a war crime.

lol no proof cos Hamas said it wasn’t so right.

Like when they said there’s no tunnels. Then tunnels were found. So everyone’s like no it’s an elevator. Turns out it’s not an elevator. But it wasn’t used. Full of chairs and bed. But there’s no guns. Tunnels are blocked. But they aren’t in use…

Or when they said Israel bombed a hospital and 500 were dead. Then the photos and videos came out and it was Hamas missile and it was in the parking lot with a tiny crater.

Or when they said Israel bombed the Egypt trucks bringing supplies to civilians. Then the videos and photos came out and it was the civilians intercepting the trucks for food because Hamas steals it all.

Yeah let’s believe everything Hamas tells us haha. Brainwashed by the media to believe conspiracy theories. You probably support Russia too.

If Russia is attacked and defends itself, respexting international law and not commiting war crimes, yes I absolutely support them. They din't, so I don't.

I don't believe Hamas, nor the IDF. I tend to believe UN investigations of past conflicts around that very question, and those didn't find evidence.

And the Hamas stealing food is such a twisted take, it almost is lying.

What I do not support is war xcimes, ethnic cleanising and the suffering of civilians. Regardless of who is doing or causing it. You on the other hand, I'm not so sure.

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