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> (1) Definition of journalist (2) quantity of journalists (3) willingness to be on the very front lines in order to get better stories (4) technology enabling journalists thus being able to be more dangerous spots.

How have these things changed, and how have the changes affected the number of journalists killed? The changes could reduce the number.

My point is, we need much less speculation and possibilities, and much more credible fact. CPJ provides some credible fact.

Internet does not allow nearly all to be publishers? Does not foster many small online news sources? Has number of news sources not gone up with rise of the internet? Outsourcing of news collection by global news sources to (technology connected) hired locals has not gone up? Number doing (and claiming to be doing) journalism has not gone up?

TFA has a list of those included, who they worked for, and the circumstances of their death. I saw one that was only credited with having a podcast (which has 225k followers on their instagram account,) and a few others that seemed to work for smaller local websites and whatnot, but it seems like the vast majority had affiliations with established news agencies.

But the claim isn't that a guy who happened to be on TikTok at the time was hit by a bomb.

The claim is Israel is killing people in bright blue vests marked PRESS and in cars with PRESS written across the sides and roof.

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