Just wonderful - between Dax, zx and bun-shell we have 3 different tools with near similar syntax pretty much doing the same thing. Until a winner emerges, its just best to stick to Python.
What happens if you pick Dax and a year later it's Bun-shell that emerges as "the winner"?
If you stick to Python until a winner emerges, how does that help you? You'd have some old scripts in python, and some new ones in WinnerJS, which I think it's worse than having some in WinnerJS and some in LoserJS.
Your LoserJS scripts won't stop working. At least Bun-shell and Dax scripts in the same language. Since Bun's got some inspiration from Dax, I'm sure the API won't be that different.
I'm usually not one to jump on new JS stuff, but writing scripts on any of these feels relatively low risk.
Also, I'm still maintaining code that uses the ORM-that-lost, and the Dates-library-we-don't-use-anymore, and it's OK.