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IBM and Top Universities to Advance Quantum Education for 40k Students (hpcwire.com)
2 points by rbanffy 9 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 5 comments

Q12: Quantum K12; K12 QIS

- "Future is quantum: universities look to train engineers for an emerging industry" (2023) https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=38255226 ; QISkit tuts, QuantumQ, The Qubit Game, Quantum Dots as teachable systems,

- "Quantum in the Chips and Science Act of 2022" https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=32421566 :

> The NSF Next Generation Quantum Leaders Pilot Program authorized by this legislation, and which builds upon NSF’s role in the Q-12 Education Partnership, will help the Nation develop a strong, diverse, and future-leaning domestic base of talent steeped in fundamental principles of quantum mechanics, the science that underlines a host of technologies

> #Q12 > QIS K-12 Framework: https://q12education.org/learning-materials/framework

>> #Q12 > QIS K-12 Framework: https://q12education.org/learning-materials/framework :

> The framework for K-12 quantum education outlined here is an expansion of the original QIS Key Concepts, providing a detailed route towards including QIS topics in K-12 physics, chemistry, computer science and mathematics classes. The framework will be released in sections as it is completed for each subject.

> As QIS is an emerging area of science connecting multiple disciplines, content and curricula developed to teach QIS should follow the best practices. The K-12 quantum education framework is intended to provide some scaffolding for creating future curricula and approaches to integrating QIS into

> physics,

> computer science,

> mathematics, and

> chemistry

> (mathematics and chemistry are not yet complete). The framework is expected to evolve over time, with input from educators and educational researchers.

From https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=34574791 :

> "World Quantum Day: Meet our researchers and play The Qubit Game" ; 2023-01-29

> Additional Q12 (K12 QIS Quantum Information Science) ideas?:

> - Exercise: Port QuantumQ quantum puzzle game exercises to a quantum circuit modeling and simulation library like Cirq (SymPy) or qiskit or tequila: https://github.com/ray-pH/quantumQ

> - Exercise: Model fair random coin flips with qubit basis encoding in a quantum circuit simulator in a notebook

> - Exercise: Model fair (uniformly distributed) [2, 8, then] 6-sided die rolls with basis state embedding or amplitude embedding or better (in a quantum circuit simulator in a notebook)

Reminds me of when Microsoft first announced its Quantum Development Kit in 2017 - https://blogs.microsoft.com/ai/future-quantum-microsoft-rele...

I can't tell if it's too early or not.

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