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> This is the power of mathematics really.

I don't think your comparison makes sense. The power of the "name it Steve" philosophy is the same rationale behind adopting codename for projects: it helps create a context to disambiguate discussions. As part of Steve, you work on the Steve web app and on the Steve service. The Steve service later can be refactored to peel out one of Steve's microservices listening to Steve's message broker.

Later if Steve needs to consume data from Pluto, you know that Steve's service will chat with Pluto's service, and perhaps have Steve's message broker listen to some channels in Pluto's message broker, etc etc. Zero ambiguity.

Moreover, monoliths have a propensity to outgrow responsibility-driven names. With a monolith you might start with a widget service, which then handles transactions, inventory, and order history. Once any of those responsibilities is peeled off to a microservice, do you still have a widget service along with a widget inventory service? Is it ok to keep calling widget service the widget service if it only handles widget order history?

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