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> There are products (Nexus Firewall) that can check dependencies for vulnerabilities and either block them from entering the network or fail CI pipelines.

Once they're known. I suppose nexus firewall let log4j pass.

I’ve been building Packj [1] to detect publicly UNKNOWN dummy, malicious, abandoned, typo-squatting, and other "risky" PyPI/NPM/Ruby/PHP/Maven/Rust packages. It carries out static/dynamic/metadata analysis and scans for 40+ attributes such as num funcs/files, spawning of shell, use of SSH keys, network communication, use of decode+eval, etc. to flag risky packages. Packj Github action [2] can alert if a risky dependency is pulled into your build.

1. https://github.com/ossillate-inc/packj 2. https://github.com/ossillate-inc/packj-github-action

It let log4j pass for as long as it was known to be good. Within hours of the CVE opening the tool was blocking it. The purpose of dependency firewalls is to avoid two things: known badly vulnerable packages AND known malicious packages that serve no other purpose than to steal data or drop a trojan. No security is 100% bulletproof, but it's really surprising how much of the damage is done by 7 year old CVEs. Firewalls can be useful in exactly that.

> Once they're known.

Isn't that how life works? Unknown unknowns? :-)

> I suppose nexus firewall let log4j pass.

It should be reasonable to assume that a product dedicated to something will, on average, do this job better/faster than a random developer, though. Since that's their job.

So Nexus Firewall presumably blocks these vulnerabilities faster than the average app/system developer notices them. There's value in reducing the delta between the vulnerability exploit day and an entire ecosystem being patched/fixed.

Debian devs also let log4j pass.

It's pretty absurd to expect distribution maintainers to be discovering 0days.

Yes, but nothing can prevent you from consuming unknown vulnerabilities.

Once log4shell was discovered it was trivial to eliminate it from the organisation. We knew exactly what projects were using it and updated them accordingly. Access logs showed us that it was no longer used and we delete it.

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