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Have you got a gamer teenager? I do.

They seem to care a great deal about their hardware and gamer teenagers also seem to spend alot more time analysing hardware and milliseconds performance advantages than anyone else. They literally care about mouse latency in milliseconds.

They spend a huge amount of time on YouTube and online forums talking gaming hardware. If the word on the street is that ARM is milliseconds slower than Intel then they won't buy it. There's lots of huge YouTube channels that do nothing but measure game performance on various hardware.

And yet even dedicated gaming keyboards often have 50ms latency or more internally, and the last YT video I've seen on "system latency" actually didn't look at any latencies and just measured frame render times. I don't know of a single channel that does actual keyboard-to-screen latency measurements.

The gaming community may care about numbers but I don't know if most actually know what those numbers say.

Yeah, there is a ton of fud in the tech YT channels.

Yet the Steamdeck is selling great....

Gaming is no longer dominated by affluent teenagers. At least not to the degree it once was.

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