| | I hope pmarca doesn't continue posting quotes in place of thoughtful original content. | |
8 points by 8en on July 31, 2007 | hide | past | favorite | 4 comments
| | I started reading Pmarca because he is one of my personal heroes, and because he was one of the few guys that seemed committed to writing smart original content. Recently, I noticed a tendency to post re-post content with a 1 line descriptor. I know Marc is busy....what with selling his company for billions, funding twitter, and running Ning... but I'd rather see 1/3 as many posts that are all original, than see his blog become an amalgamation of repostings like so many other silicon valley rags. Marc doesn't have a comment form to save time, so I hope this gets to him. Quality is important; I think that's why PG's rare essays are immensely more valuable than the flow of half-baked banter coming out of blogs like GigaOm these days. |
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