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KitKat ribs AI in hilarious new ad campaign (creativebloq.com)
51 points by bordercontrol on April 17, 2023 | hide | past | favorite | 29 comments

This is humorous, but also about on par for ads these days. This wasn’t possible a decade ago. I don’t doubt that some teams are going to get a lot smaller as this thing rolls forward.

Optimistically, that will mean a higher number of small teams working on more products.

Do we really need more products, though?

Well, we don't need more throwaway trinkets. On the other hand, there are diseases to be cured, environmental problems to be solved, asteroids to mine, universal speech translators to implement....If those are "products," then more teams would be great.

The hard thing as I see it is that the barriers to progress aren't mainly technical right now. They're social, political, tribal, and in some sense spiritual.

Did you mean optimally? Maybe optimistically is a word too I just got confused while reading.

Did anyone watch that video and think "hilarious"?

I thought this one was pretty good, hilarious no, but I liked it:


Interesting to me that their IG posts usually get decent amounts of engagement but comparably, their AI ads failed miserably for engagement.

Funny and irreverent? yes. Hilarious? No.

I think "creepy"

No, it's terrible. And they've also missed a golden opportunity to riff on AI's problem with fingers.

If you didn't know yet: this problem has since been solved.

That's no longer a problem

I am the only one that sees that noise being normalized is training organics neural networks with trash?

AI improving exponentially its output while organics being trained with exponential noise? What could go wrong?

We need to talk more about cultural noise/trash and weaponization of memes.

Of course this is true. There is no free lunch. Seems akin to search engines having more difficulty over time as spam increases.

It's like the entropy / waste-product of algorithmic content production and ingestion, that the landfill of the internet fills up with more trash that has to be sifted through... to find the signal in the noise.

There will always be an environment that has to be adapted to, and an advantage accrued to those that do so better than the rest. This dynamic of more garbage in-garbage out may be a part of a near-term plateau in AI innovation.

Regarding AI art style media generators, there may also be a premium for quality human skill in a world where the democratization of low-effort uncanny valley "art" is so prevalent. Maybe a yearning for some sort of authenticity amongst the sterile mass-produced content.

AI has already trained people to enjoy looking at flat images with zero depth, perspective and spatial awareness.

I would be more worried if this trend in human visual taste wasn't a repeat of 1k yrs ago. Illuminated manuscripts featured flatland-styling and architecture of the time was as bland as the cybertruck too.

The real "danger" is people jumping on AI will make contemporary hand-made art like Star Wars appear high quality by comparison...

I’m sorry but what do you mean by “organics”? …humans? Something makes me deeply sad about that terminology.

Yep. We ended the "intelligence" monopoly, so we are in an organics vs synthetics duality era.

The sad part might be that our culture had mostly optimized people's intelligence to not think about an immortal soul that uses (at least 1) organic body to manifest itself in the world but to reduce itself to the organic form explaining all the limits of its existence. And now comes AI, the algebraic parrots exponentially accelerated to steal its kingdom.

Tip: You need to have just 1 lucid out of body experience to understand that "organics" are infinitely more than carbon-based life forms.

> We ended the "intelligence" monopoly

Have we, really?

Is a good question to ask that deeply. AI it's just automated parrots with good aim. So, no, not really. But the fool most people because "they sound" as if they were intelligent (while they are just parroting).

you play mass effect recently?

I love that saga BTW

Yeah, it’s a deeply unsettling and dehumanizing way to say it.

> I’m sorry but what do you mean by “organics”?

You know, "meatbags", "carbons",

> Explanation: It's just that…you have all these squishy parts, master. And all that water! How the constant sloshing doesn't drive you mad, I have no idea

Spoken like a true carbon-based lifeform.

What do you expect—they're made out of meat! Meat!

Kojima was playing with the idea back in 2001:


It's probably a trope from even older sci-fi, though I don't know which.

It's like they asked ChatGPT to write a hilarious ad campaign.

AI has not demonstrated self-deprecating humor yet; it takes itself too seriously.

As an AI language model, I am programmed to be positive and serious. If you need help with self-appreciating humor, feel free to ask!

Best $0.85 they ever spent.

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