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Chien-Shiung Wu found evidence of entanglement in 1949.

This is not mentioned in the 2022 prize.

She didn't find evidence of entanglement. She produced entangled states, but we only know that with hindsight. Most anything that gets done with elementary particles produces entangled states.

The Aspect experiment and Bell's inequalities are the way we proved how quantum states are very fundamentally entangled. The important part of Aspect's experiment is the space-like separation of the events in the experiment.

She still should have shared the 1957 Nobel Prize with Lee and Yang for their work on Parity.

I don't understand why this article claims that she should have been associated with the 2022 Nobel, other than to generate clicks and engagement.

The Nobel prize was about experiments showing that QM entanglement is different from 'normal' entanglement, so I 'm not surprised.

The article shows how other people were mentioned in the 2022 prize who built on her work.

It sounds like she should have been awarded the 1957 prize too:

> In his Nobel lecture that December, Yang told the committee and guests how crucial Wu's experiment had been, making a bold statement that the results were due to Wu's team's courage and skill. Lee would later plead with the Nobel Committee to recognize Wu's work. Oppenheimer publicly stated that Wu should have shared in the 1957 prize. Segrè called the overthrow of parity “probably the major development of physics after the war.”

Could you link anything that gives a quick rundown on the difference between 'QM entanglement' and 'normal' entanglement?

I should have said 'normal' correlations: if you put a black ball and a white ball in a box, if two persons pick one ball the result of their observation is correlated but there's nothing surprising here..

But in QM, it's more complicated and it isn't a simple subject, see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bell_test

prizes are only for the living. Why would we think the Nobel prize committee would want to admit to making a mistake and not handing one out 25 years ago to wu?

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