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Burritos are too healthy and too filling.

If you’re eating healthy burritos you’re doing it wrong

Burritos are.... healthy??? Those must be some sad burritos

I know the reputation burritos have but if you compare classic burrito to classic kebab or pizza. Nutritionally burritos are a lot better. I am not saying they don't have calories. They have lots of calories but that's because they are filled so much and are heavy.

Burrito has a lot smaller portion of meat then kebab because of the filling. It probably has fresh vegetables (great), beans (good), rice (ok). Sauces are less fatty too often being fresh hot salsas. Guacamole is good too.

Kebabs served in bread (doner, shawarma, gyros, shish) are grilled meat dripping in fat. The vegetables might be fresh but often are pickled and (usually mix of acid/salt pickles) making whole thing saltier. There are no fillers so you have more meat. Because of the meat fat proper kebab might not even use sauces but it often does and they are based around something very fatty too.

Kebab per weight is less balanced and less healthy than burrito.

Pizza is generally even worse its just thin bread with mountain of cheese and some tomatoes.

So what you're saying is: kebabs are perfect drunk food?

We can learn from our European brothers.

For me, I don't really care for burritos because they're generally dominated by so much filler.

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