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What most people don't know is that there are two SETI organizations. The SETI institute and the SETI League, http://www.setileague.org/

SETI @ home is run by the SETI Institute. As a participant in SETI @ home, your only contribution is your computing power.

The SETI League has a much more interesting program called "project Argus": http://www.setileague.org/argus/

Its a distributed version of SETI at home whereas you own and control your own receiver. Its run by folks in the amateur radio community. It was launched in the late 90's before the advancements of SDRs and has alot of potential today. Its truly an open source initiative which is what SETI should be.

You might say "a backyard radio telescope cannot compare to Arecibo or the Allen Array". In terms of antenna gain you are right, but right now, the Allen Array can only look in a few directions simultaneously and Arecibo is a pile of rubble. Many smaller telescopes is better than nothing.

> You might say "a backyard radio telescope cannot compare to Arecibo or the Allen Array".

Any radio telescope that exists can compare favorably to Arecibo, actually.

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