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I've never seen this intersection of computers and pizza before.

There's stir fry enthusiasts though. Or at least wok users. You need wok hei and super hot burners, electric won't cut it etc...

I've also seen some intense breakdowns of pad Thai, like it wasn't a recent invention for tourism

Rice cookers, too. Lots of techie opinions about those, e.g. is induction worth the extra money.

I’m in the market - any advice?

I have an ancient Panasonic that’s still doing the job for me. I hear all the cool kids get a Zojirushi these days. My friend bought the super expensive induction/ pressure cooker one. He said it’s good, but he’s not sure it was worth spending $400… for rice.

What's with all the buttons? My rice maker is about to die, and I've had it since 2007. It has one button: cook. I looked at a Zoji and there are so many settings. Plus every type of rice has different ratios of water, which vary with quantity, so how do those settings do anything useful. I'm not too proud to admit I'm intimidated and don't want an overpriced "jack of all master of none".

In fact, Kenji just released a book about Wok cooking!

Has Uncle Roger reviewed it?

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