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Why? I graduated at the top of my class. Wikipedia had more information on many more topics than are available at any high school anywhere in the world

It's sad that the rest of your educational environment let you down to that degree. That's what makes it sad. Good for you, making up the deficits, though.

About the state and value of the average high school.

Maybe, but on the other hand what do you expect without personalization? At big high schools, the best students will learn more in a few weeks than the median students will learn in all.4 years. We shouldn't expect one curriculum to work for everyone. That's why there new models should be so exciting for education.

They will be exciting for education, once accuracy can be hugely improved. I mean, we'll use them anyway, but there will be some kids who believe some totally untrue things that the chatbot told them in school during the early years.

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