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I love technology, but I don’t get how anyone can think it’s wise to let their children stare at a screen all day. My nieces and nephews spend all of their time staring at iPads, but my children have much more limited screen time rules. It’s a small sample population, but my kids are generally pretty calm and well behaved. I love my nieces and nephews, but they are heathens.

As opposed to white collar work where we stare at screens all day?

I feel that it’s less about the screen and more about what you’re doing with it. When my children stare at screens, it usually to play an educational game. When I stare at screens, most of it is work or adulting. About 2-3 hours/week is gaming and 4-6 hours/week is watching some silly show with my wife.

Now, kids in school are obviously doing educational stuff on their tablets so I see the fallacy in this line of thought. Idk. I feel like staring at a book is better, but what do I know? Maybe the increased engagement from a tablet is worth the downsides?

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