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Looks really nice, but I'd like to know more about its unique value proposition (what makes me use it instead of Google Reader, where I have all my stars and shares, and great search).

It looks really great and it has some quite comprehensive features. Which actually sends me back to what one of LinkedIn's founder once said[1]: If You're Not Embarrassed By The First Version Of Your Product, You’ve Launched Too Late

If this is the first MVP of the idea, it might be worthwhile checking out Ash Maurya's great post[2] on the subject.

[1] http://articles.businessinsider.com/2009-11-13/strategy/3006...

[2] http://www.ashmaurya.com/2009/11/from-minimum-viable-product...

If You're Not Embarrassed By The First Version Of Your Product, You’ve Launched Too Late

Sort of OT, but I'm not sure this is really broadly useful advice. In the world of iOS apps, for instance, that first impression is often the only one you'll get before people move on. Hard to say which is the correct approach for an app like this but sometimes it pays to polish the hell out of 1.0 instead.

Apple does make iterating your MVP harder. Not impossible, just harder.

But don't forget that MVP is primarily a tool for learning with the least amount of effort. Not less. So, if you are making something nobody wants, why make it very polished? You will just waste more time learning this fact. Time that could be used changing the product/trying something new entirely.

And even on app store: you can iterate with different product names, and different brands. So you can lunch different iterations, possibly A/B testing app name, logo and description, without much extra overhead, all at the same time.

I think it has a lot less to do with release delays in the App store than it does with the attention span of the typical customer. You can iterate all you want but if they've already formed an opinion of your product based on a first impression they're unlikely to give it a second look. All the apps I've released have had a big initial sales spike over the first week or so and never again climbed back anywhere close to those numbers, despite a large number of functional and aesthetic improvements.

You can release multiple products with different names and even different brands (you use different accounts if needed). It may not be cheap, but it is possible. This way you will have the huge spike over and over again (you may change name/logo for different experiments). And please don't use vanity metrics[1] for measuring the outcome.

[1] http://techcrunch.com/2011/07/30/vanity-metrics/

This interview directly talks about iphone apps and MVPs on its first 5 minutes: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=Z...

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