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Sorry, I forgot that doesn't translate well outside the UK. It is a literal box for putting your bread in to keep it fresh and is a similar shape to the original C64. So the original C64 is nicked-named the "bread-bin" in the UK.

At least here in Germany 'breadbin' is quite wellknown. We call it 'Brotkasten', which means literally the same.

In the U.S., "bread bin," or more commonly "bread box," is also known. I have one.

I think it might be a generational lapse, rather than a geographic quirk, as bread boxes don't seem common in younger households.

Modern store-bought bread has so many preservatives that you don't need a breadbox. I wonder if the brief fad of people taking up baking during COVID-19 lockdowns will/has cause(d) an increase in breadbox sales.


Still puzzled about the hole in the bottom - I wonder if it was being used in a business for some special purpose?

I am puzzled by that too, it is roughly where the VIC II is and it doesn't appear that anything was soldered to it to tap it. My other guess was that this sat on top of something and the hole was needed so it would sit properly?

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