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Ask HN: What are your favorite subreddits and why?
16 points by Gary_TheSnail_ on July 27, 2022 | hide | past | favorite | 13 comments
I'm looking to expand my sources for where I get my information from and learn about a few different subjects slowly. Thank you :)

https://www.reddit.com/r/django/ I use Django everyday https://www.reddit.com/r/oddlysatisfying/ It is really satisfying https://www.reddit.com/r/Korean/ I try to learn Korean, this is full of good tips https://www.reddit.com/r/backpacks/ I like backpacks

Just to name a few.

https://www.reddit.com/r/ExperiencedDevs/ has an pretty high signal to noise ratio

https://www.reddit.com/r/AskHistorians/ is a real jewel of the modern internet. It is ruthlessly and capably moderated and hence has an incredible amount of good content

Reddit is a place on the decline. I've been forced into discord lately. Lots of amazing niche discords these days!

> Reddit is a place on the decline. I've been forced into discord lately.

You moved from one declining place to another.

Any real cool ones that you would like to share?

/r/AskAnAmerican - Interesting to see differences across states and other cultures


/r/dadswhodidnotwantpets - Pictures and videos of men (and sometimes women) cuddling with animals after initially rejecting them

/r/sbubby - Pictures of edited logos that look like other logos (e.g. Changing "The Price is Right" logo to say "The Rice is Aight")

/r/wimmelbilder - Imagine the Where's Waldo? images, but with pictures filled to the brim with everything.

/r/gis is full of friendly professionals. I've had replies there that must have taken an afternoon to write up.

r/changemyview is a good one, it's people in conversation about contentious topics, politely trying to change each other's views.

There's very little censorship of discussion compared to the rest of Reddit, the only rule seems to be politeness and topicality. It's almost like HN in that sense.

Very much disagree on this point - I've both started threads there and contributed to threads there in response, and twice admins have locked my thread beacuse they claim I had no intention to change my mind in the first place - as far as I can tell, if you debate people trying to change your view, then you're soapboxing, rather than trying to clarify the argument.

I haven't posted on r/changemyview since. It's not fit for purpose, and in fact many threads consist of the OP saying "Wow, you're right! Mind changed." to a rather poor argument rather than interrogating it.

/r/privacy is good if you want to learn about privacy or help people with their privacy journey.

/r/netsec is my daily habit too. Always bound to find detailed explanations of vulns

r/fatFIRE, highly interested in financial independence topics.


It appears to be full of info-spam

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