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Can't tell if serious or satire.

There are absolutely people interested in using Godot as a game engine, including using it to make games for consoles. But many don't, because porting to consoles is painful and expensive, apparently involving third parties as a general rule.

Obviously people for whom porting to consoles is a high priority are unlikely to choose Godot right this second, but we're talking about potential users as well, not just the current exact userbase.

I just don’t think that ‘potential users’ are a really strong consideration for what ultimately amounts to a hobby project (or a project with no corporate backing anyway).

I don't know what your objection is. They make a game engine, they support PC and mobile by default, console is the obvious missing piece of functionality. I can understand why it's lower priority because yeah, it's harder to support, but at least one of the devs works on this full time, and the two core devs have been working on this for several years now. I think it's a bit beyond hobby project, they're clearly trying to compete with Unity, even if it's not a for-profit company.

If you read articles like this, it doesn't sound like a small hobby project anymore: https://godotengine.org/article/donation-changes

Granted, it's still small potatoes compared to Unity, no doubt.

edit: huh, looks like they have several people full-time, from the article

> Godot is developed by more than a thousand contributors, and coordinating this massive community requires a full-time involvement of several of us (and hopefully soon even more full-timers), which your generosity enables.

edit2: holy shit Unity had 5000 employees in 2021 according to Wikipedia. I knew they were fairly big but goddamn, didn't think they'd be that big.

Man, now I'm also confused at how they can have a successful, popular game engine with a flourishing asset store and yet still be losing money. Just hired too many people?

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