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Discovered this while building https://github.com/plutomi/plutomi as I was enamored by Rick's talks and guarantees of `performance at any scale`. In reality, Dynamo was solving scaling issues that we didn't have and the amount of times I've had to rework something to get around some of the quirks of Dynamo led to a lot of lost dev time.

Now that the project is getting more complex, doing simple things such as "searching" (for our use case) are virtually impossible without hosting an ElasticSearch cluster where a simple like %email% in postgres would have sufficed.

Not saying it's a bad DB at all, but you really need to know your access patterns and plan accordingly. Dynamo streams are a godsend and combined with EventBridge you can do some powerful things for asynchronous events. Not paying while it's not running with on demand is awesome, and the performance is truly off the charts. Just please know what you are getting into. In fact, I'd recommend only using Dynamo if you are migrating a "finished" app vs using it for apps that are still evolving

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