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I've never heard of this and will be checking it out.

Have you cracked positional audio, ie letting people in the back sidebar convos (duck the main chat) or move around to have private convos?

Gaming has pulled this off, DayZ star citizen etc.

I've kicked around the idea of using some of these game worlds because they have positional audio and handle crowds way better.

It's the chat around the Watercooler that is the missing gap imo

Yes, we already have spatial audio working in Element Call (see https://element.io/blog/element-call-beta-2-encryption-spati...) - so this will come automatically when video/voice rooms in element start using Element Call.


We're also working on the Third Room project which has virtual worlds with 3D positional audio built on top of the same tech as Element Call. It's still very early, but the project is up here: https://github.com/matrix-org/thirdroom

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