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Submitters need to get back to more descriptive titles on HN. If this post is the first and only exposure to this project for a user, "Project Naptha" alone doesn't give me confidence to roll the dice and click on an unknown link unless there are existing comments I can investigate. Thus, chicken and egg, scroll by.

Browser extension OCR: From the homepage "Project Naptha automatically applies state-of-the-art computer vision algorithms on every image you see while browsing the web. The result is a seamless and intuitive experience, where you can highlight as well as copy and paste and even edit and translate the text formerly trapped within an image. "

They probably put a descriptive title and then had a mod edit it to use the non-descriptive page title instead, as per HN's usual policy and practice.

i don't think that happened. in my understanding that rule applies to article titles, not to site titles.

in my opinion, when posting a site, then a description, ideally taken from the site, should be included.

this is kind of a variation of a "show HN", like "look what i found"

I never heard of it and I clicked because the name intrigued me. You might benefit from a link preview extension to reduce the friction to explore links before comments.

Adding the "subtitle" from the site itself would provide at least a bit of helpful context: "highlight, copy, and translate text from any image."

True, that said, it made it to the front page... and while not everything on the front page is super interesting, it does give it a bit weight on the dice roll fun.

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