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Why gamers will win the next war (usma.edu)
5 points by LosMyke on July 3, 2022 | hide | past | favorite | 1 comment

Yeah nah.

I recall reading a story about an experiment in South Korea where they pitted gamers against military pilots in Falcon 4 or 5 flight sim.

The gamers won the first round or two, mainly because the mil pilots were still getting used to the interface and controls and flight model of the sim (which differs enough from real life to make a difference).

But once they had that sorted, they started employing military tactics of coordination and flight ops and totally dominated the gamers after that. It wasn't even close.

The gamers had no chance after that, and the tactics used by the mil pilots were probably classified at the time.

I wish I could find the link, if anyone knows about it please post it.

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