Slightly pedantic, but I think you'll actually find that all of these are CRDTs. If you read "Conflict-free Replicated Data Types: An Overview" (, it refers to both last write wins and "record all versions of the data" as CRDTs in 2.1.1.
My understanding is that "CRDT" really just means that you've defined how you're going to resolve conflicts consistently (see criteria in s2.2 of the paper above).
Yeah it had occurred to me that what I'm doing was just a GSet writ large. In my mind a CRDT was always a single record, not a collection of them - still not convinced that doesn't change it.
But if CRDTs really are a kind of a meta-language for resolving conflicts in a sane way - whether the CRDT is a single record or a whole data store - that's a nice thought. The CouchDB CRDT could be defined.
My understanding is that "CRDT" really just means that you've defined how you're going to resolve conflicts consistently (see criteria in s2.2 of the paper above).