| | [flagged] Ask HN: Why wasn't the USA sanctioned over it's war with Iraq? | |
57 points by throwawaywxyz on March 2, 2022 | hide | past | favorite | 67 comments
| | I do not want to minimize the seriousness of what is happening in the Ukraine. I would just like to know what the difference is between these two actions.
The Iraq War(v2) resulted in hundreds of thousands Iraqi deaths (some estimate over a million). Given that we know that the USA reasoning for going to war with Iraq was based on misleading evidence, we could (and should) consider that each one of those Iraqi deaths to be unnescessary. |
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I should say upfront that while everyone today considers the US-led intervention a huge blunder for many reasons including humanitarian, Iraq gov at the time was not at all something people sympathized with, and was widely considered to be corrupt, bullying, aggressive to neighbors, etc. Iraq invading Kuwait in the 90s is a closer parallel to Russia invading Ukraine than anything involving the US. (Iraq literally claimed that Kuwait had always been an integral part of Iraq and only became an independent nation due to the interference of the British gov)
At the time there were sanctions on Iraq, that had been there since the 1990s because of that invasion, and for perceived human rights violations. The US at the time considered these sanctions no longer particularly effective.
The US (well, coalition led by the US) invasion was based on faulty/fraudulent premises, but the goals were still ostensibly humanitarian, and the nature of the WMD talk was not proved to be faulty until years later. At the time by failing to disarm and submit to weapons inspections, Iraq was in violation of U.N. Resolutions 660 and 678, and the U.S. could legally (whatever that means) compel Iraq's compliance through military means.
If you are actually interested, you should probably read at least: