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I feel some of the least secure places are the ones which never mention (or realize) that they have a security problem.

It is an age old conundrum that people seem to struggle with a lot. As part of my previous profession, I've security reviewed hundreds of open source libraries. They fall into 3 categories:

1. The libraries/applications that have either had a really security conscious developer behind it or a very rocky past such that it was given an extraordinary amount of attention security wise. These account for about 1% of software

2. The "normal" libraries/applications that nobody care about with regards to security. As long as the code works everyone keeps using it. They are often insecure by default, but the lack of attention by SME means they wont be judged. They account for 80% of software.

3. The horrid ones. Built-in code execution as a feature. Authentication systems with more critical bugs that you can possibly image. We never talk about these because... well, we could spend months on polishing a turd. Nobody dares to publicly speak up and say "don't ever use X, Y and Z" for fear of the repercussions. They account for the rest of software.

GitLab used to be in category 2, but got moved into 1 about two years ago when security professionals started to give it attention.

As to your feeling, 99% of software have security issues, some worse than others. We rarely talk about them.

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