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I donated to his campaign after seeing him on JRE, and I’ve been getting spam emails from political candidates ever since. I’ve blocked at least 7-8 different “PLEASE DONATE” mailers, but they keep coming. I think Yang sold my info.

He is quoted as saying he did not, but when you donate directly to a campaign is get put into a public FEC db, which obviously gets scraped.


I donated to a few candidates and the same thing happened. Not sure if it’s from the campaigns individually, or via the Act Blue platform that they all used.

I think it's ActBlue that does that, after interacting with them in any way it's a constant deluge of spam from Democratic Candidates.

This happens when I donate to any candidate. Not saying it's right, but it does seem to be the norm.

He did. I mean, maybe not him personally, but unfortunately, that is the punishment for your generosity when you choose to donate to most causes.

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