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I never seen any of them put themselves "outside" of the left-right spectrum.

I probably read what they say in a different way. What I see both movements doing is not align enough to either side to position themselves as such.

You said it yourself: they need to position themselves on "all issues". If you align yourself 90% to the left or right, you can align with a traditional party. If you split your positions 40-60% on the issues, you are neither right or left wing.

One example for both Novo and MBL: Both movements align in economic ideas closer to right wing parties, but both movements are pro environmental polices. Traditionally you don't see political groups in Brazil that support both ideas.

Both parties supported the (terrible) idea of merging the environmental protection and agriculture ministries.

The previous Minister of the Environment came from Novo, and in only 2 years his policies had a disastrous effect on the environment, especially deforestation in the Amazon (he was kicked out of the party but the damage is done).

If you split your positions 50/50, you're in the center :)

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