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Do you know about Marcan's YouTube channel? He livestreams (some of) the hacking, so you can actually see exactly how to start! They are super huge packages, but make for excellent ambient stimulation.

I wish he was doing tutorial style videos, too. Pleasant voice, well-spoken and incredible knowledgeable. I bet he could do videos which don't have you thinking "Yeah, but why does this work?".

I tried doing one of those! It's not exactly a tutorial, but it's an attempt at a walk through everything that went into building the hypervisor that we use for hardware reverse engineering and testing.


I don't follow your feed too closely, as it's usually not within my time budget, so I missed that.

Thank you very much for doing what you do! You are an inspiration to me and I admire the calm and structured way you work. Hope you keep enjoying what you do!

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