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Whistleblower says Facebook is misleading the public (cbsnews.com)
329 points by cratermoon on Oct 4, 2021 | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments

While all social media has issues that are valid to criticise, this is an astroturfed load of crap. Designed to facilitate more state control over what is ‘truth’ and promoting the state and powers that be messaging whilst squelching dissent. Twitter far more toxic. But it’s got the better censorship and messaging for the current state ideology. The right also has no corner on the conspiracy market nor trying to influence people through these outlets. Just looking at the automatic immediate pile on by the usual left promoting media sources is enough to smell the dung.

Honestly, I'm finding this headline more straightforward and matching the reality since Dr. Zuckerberg started his practice giving medical advices on Cow ID right and left.

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