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You’ve just replaced the word “empower” with “exploit”.

Do you have some technical definition for the word “exploit”?

Exploitation of labor is taking all the wealth generated by someone's work, and giving only a portion of it back, while pocketing the rest.

You’ve substituted “exploit” with “generate”. What is the technical definition of “generate”?

Perform labor that makes something more valuable than it has been previously.

Okay, then how are you determining the increase in value?

to define it i would focus on the contrast: the return of an exploit goes directly to the exploiter, the return of an empowerment is spread among the group of supporters who funded the empowerment

exploitation is a one-to-one mapping, while empowerment is one-to-many?

seems to feel like "the difference between a religion and a cult...."

> the return of an empowerment is spread among the group of supporters who funded the empowerment

But, workers by definition don’t fund companies.

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