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The purpose of Ada was not to sell compilers, nor to serve as a means for an acquihire, nor IPO, nor VC money. Passing the test suite is just about the most important thing an Ada compiler must do. The requirements of the language originate here: http://iment.com/maida/computer/requirements/strawman.htm#si...

> Every user level aspect of the language will be formally specified. None will be left to the translator implementer, operating system or object machine.

> There will be a traceable operational and/or technological requirement for each primitive data, operation and control structure in the language.

> The language will not reveal minor differrences in computer architecture.

> Machine dependent code cannot appear interspersed in-line in source language programs.

> The semantics of the language will be determinable from the description.

> Constructs of the language will have only one reasonable interpretation (i.e., physcologically unambiguous).

> There will be an axiomatic definition of the language. It will be mathematically complete in the Turing sense.

> The language will not sacrifice clarity for efficiency.

> The language will not contain special features for rare cases.

> All defaults in a program will be specifically provided in the language specification or in the program.

> There will be a minimal number of defaults.

… > Any translator for the language must implement the entire language (NO subsets).

> Any translator for the language must implement only the language as specified (translator implementer may not expand the language specification).

> Translator does not have to run on all object machines. Self-hosting is not required.

These are the requirements Ada was designed to fulfill. If not passing the test suite is OK with you, you probably have no use for Ada and would be better served by another language.

This is the best you can hope for in sensitive applications like aviation. I would feel better knowing the software flying me was extensively validated.

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