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Do fiberglass degrade to a point it can't be recycled? We already use it for multiple things, from boats to PCBs, so there would be quite a big market. Any reasons why it shouldn't or couldn't be recycled?

It shouldn't be recycled if it's a net economic loss to do so.

This line of thought got us global warming, micro plastic contamination of all of earth's water, pfas, a hole in the ozone, etc.

Perhaps a better maxim is: wind turbine blades should be recycled if and only if it is better for the environment to do so.

It is not clear why it would be better to recycle them. Breaking things down for recycling costs a lot of energy, sometimes more than obtaining new materials and making the thing from scratch.

For example, plastic recycling is a bad idea from an energy standpoint. As far as I understand, it was publicized by plastic companies so plastic sales would not risk being regulated (https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=24714880 and https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2019/aug/17/plastic-...).

Some things (like metals) should be recycled though.

I wonder if these turbine blades would make for good artificial reef material?

No, we got those problems because we didn't evaluate the environmental costs of these technologies, or ignored the people who did evaluate them.

What is the environmental cost of burying fiberglass wind turbine blades versus recycling them?

What is the environmental cost of not building these wind turbines right now, as fast as we possible can, and stopping the extraction of fossil fuels as fast as we possibly can? Extremely real, the extinction of hundreds of thousands of species, massive disruption to all habitats, including those of us humans.

We have a narrow path to averting the worst effects of climate change. The worst threat to actually enacting change is the sort of false concern that keeps us on our present course driving off the cliff.

Sending plastic waste overseas was an idea of the recycling zealots (people who recycle even in situations where it is worse).

I am assuming the negative externalities are included in the cost. What is the negative externality of not recycling turbine blades?

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